Family,  Travel

The Fun Box!


Last Friday, the kiddos and I went to The Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks, Ca. to check out @realfunbox, a kids pop-up museum.  It was such a blast! One mention of the life sized poop emoji to my three year old and that’s the only word we heard the rest of the weekend!  

Did anyone ever see Pee Wee’s Playhouse as a kid and really want to go there (I did!)?  The Fun Box had some serious Pee Wee vibes with their upside down room and monkey emoji heads. Ogden was obsessed with the poop emoji, and the teddy bear tunnel where you first walk in.  The hanging rose room was my favorite so I had to get a shot of Livvy with her favorite new guy!

The museum ends with a giant bowl of lifesavers cereal, a heart made of teddy bears, and a hole that takes you to the next dimension.  It’s a must see before they close on Jan. 3.  Looking for our next adventure…

Hope you guys enjoy our pics!  Would love to know where you think we should go next! Comment below!! 

