Entertaining,  Family

Olivia Bale, Tea for 2!

Ever since July, when we attended the Langham, Pasadena’s Trolls Tea Party, where she met Princess Poppy, she has woken up every morning asking if it’s her birthday party yet! She loved the tea party so much, that I knew we had to have the same theme for her birthday. (you can see the Langham Trolls Tea Party video on my youtube channel YouTube.com/Irisjoycorliss and also there’s a post here on my blog).

This last picture is my favorite picture of Livvy and I at her “Tea for 2” themed party. Yes, my hair fell in the right place, and yes my skin is looking good, but most of all, Livvy is exhausted from so much fun! Score! Mission accomplished.

My sister, Mary, not to be confused with my work wifey, Mary, flew in from San Fran for the party to be the photographer. Some of the sweetest pics are of Livvy with her Daddy waiting for Princess Poppy to arrive. Also, love my baby girl in her Tutu Dreams dress.

The party decor details were all a visual in my head, and of course in your head, they are much larger than life. The weather was beautiful all week, and the weather app showed a perfect sunny day for Livvy’s party. We live in an area that can be super windy out of nowhere, and it was, yep, super windy.

A lot of my ideas that included outdoor decor, like the dessert table, the tea party table set for adults, and for the kids table, had to stay inside as a buffet due to the wind. We brought out some of the desserts quickly for pictures, but had to run them right back inside. But HEY, sometimes less is more. 😉

Cake pops are always a good idea, and much easier to eat than cupcakes. Our Trolls themed cake pops are from Densonios Cake Pops, made by Lily. She made Poppy, Branch, and Guy Diamond cake pops and they were such a hit at the party, I should have ordered more! Check her out on instagram, she even has the Pearson kids from This Is Us enjoying her delicious cake pops!

The beautiful naked cake you see with flowers and a teapot, teacup, saucer and flower spoon, was made by yours truly! The cake was a two layer boxed white cake with each layer covered in buttercream frosting from Ralph’s. Practicing the cake twice before the party weeks before, I had it perfected to taste, color, and look. The cake tests I made were tested out by Oggy, Livvy, Daddy and our bestie 13 year old neighbor, Dylan who joked, he didn’t like the cake at all, HE LOVED IT!

Umbrellas are such a simple and cool idea for events. Seeing some baby shower decor pics on Pinterest, on tables as center pieces, I felt like our white pergola would be the perfect spot to have a bunch of hanging umbrellas. The umbrellas were so pretty and added an element of sweet and pretty feels. Mary and I hung them the night before and I loved them so much I kept them up all week after the party. We also gave the umbrellas to our guests as party favors, which can be decorated with markers, paint, glue (not hot) and patches or stickers.

After searching high and low for hula hoops, I found one last brassy gold small hoop at Joann’s fabric and a giant pink iridescent hula hoop at Walmart which I wrapped both hoops on 2 “corners” with twine and hot glued flowers and greenery to to hang outside. After hot glueing wooden letters to hang from the hoops, “tea for 2” and the number “2” in each, I hung above the dessert table and one on a tree. They turned out so pretty we are hanging one above Livvy’s bed.

We found a character for kids company, which truthfully, I’m not going to recommend, due to a few minor details. :(. Thankful that Poppy showed up, the kids all had such a fun time dancing and playing with balloons, the wavy parachute, and just hearing all their fave songs like baby shark and the trolls soundtrack, which I’m still not sick of. 🙂

If there were a way to take the visions in my mind and make each one a reality, and at the right price…well, I’d be a trillionaire. Truly happy with how it all turned out, despite that dang wind, I’d say Livvy had a sweet Tea for 2.

Leave me a comment or ask me anything! I’d love to hear how you like the looks of it all!



P.S. We had Chic-fil-a catered, which stayed inside, and it was delish!